How to Post a Job on LinkedIn Jobs & Find The Best Candidate?

Do you need new collaborators for your business? Learning how to post a LinkedIn job will help you a lot if efficiency and security are what you’re looking for. The old ads in morning papers are history. Start your search on the right foot and open a new vacancy in the most consulted social network of work in the world!

Surely you have been on the other side of the monitor, finding out how to look for a job on LinkedIn , but now you have to be a recruiter for a while and find that ideal person to fill the vacancy in your business. Let us tell you that posting a job on Linkedin is easier than you think, but you should not skip any of the steps that we will tell you about later!

Stay to read how to post a job offer on LinkedIn, how much it costs to do it and the best tips to be a real recruiter.

Let’s take a step-by-step look at how to post a job on LinkedIn!

1. Create a job ad from your personal account

There are different plans and services to post a job offer on LinkedIn . The first thing to keep in mind is that job postings on LinkedIn are made from a personal account, but are associated with your company account if you have one.

If what you want is to create a vacancy from your personal profile and then associate it with a company, this is the procedure that Crehana recommends:

To get started, click the “Profile” or “Me” icon in the upper right corner of your LinkedIn home screen.

Next, go to the “Manage” section and select the “Job Ads Account” option.

2. Access LinkedIn Talent Solutions

Clicking on that option will automatically open a new Linkedin Talent Solutions window . There you must complete the data of the job advertisement you want to publish. 

To do this in the best possible way, we recommend that you spend time putting together a profile of the ideal candidate for the position. Write essential and expendable requirements. 

3. Describe the occupation of the position

This is when you should describe the position you want to fill. As soon as you start typing the name of the vacant position, some suggestions will appear. If you choose one of the suggested titles, your job ads will be better positioned in the search results of users, which increases the chances of finding the right candidate.

4. Associate the search with an existing company

Now it’s time to associate the job vacancy with a company, start writing the name and LinkedIn’s smart search engine will find it in its database. We recommend that you complete this space with an existing company account, this will give your ad much more visibility. 

5. Fill in the employment location and type of shift 

Many people choose their job taking into account costs and travel times. But even if it’s a remote job, it’s important to specify the location for the position. If your company’s headquarters are in Buenos Aires, you may not be interested in your ad reaching Sydney because the time difference would make it impossible to manage work teams.

6. Add a job description

By clicking on the button, you will go to the next screen where you can add a job description, we recommend that you be as precise as possible since it will be a great application filter for your potential candidates.  

This section is mandatory. This is the most important part of a vacancy and the one you should spend the most time on. Crafting a job description that matches the expectations of the position is essential to attracting the right applicants.

Here you can also choose the skills and abilities that are required for the job you are advertising, it is very useful to segment the applicants who meet the requirements and that your advertisement is seen by the right people. You can choose up to 10!

7. Set Up LinkedIn Job Application

Then, click on the “Continue” button and the request settings tab will open. This is the moment in which you can configure which email box to manage the job vacancy on LinkedIn, add pre-selection questions such as previous experience, languages ​​​​and even the possibility of working. 

If you have chosen to be notified by email, you can select some pre-screening questions with the essential requirements that will help you refine your search for personnel. It is recommended to add at least three.

Those applicants who do not meet the stipulated requirements may be automatically assessed as unsuitable for the position.

Likewise, it is possible to configure an application rejection message that is sent three days after the application to those who do not meet the required profile.

8. Choose the free or paid option

Finally, press the start advertising button and choose the paid or free option. This will depend on the amount of investment you want to dedicate to the search for the candidate. 

Ready! You’ve already learned how to post a job on LinkedIn from your professional profile. All you have to do is press the “Save” button and your ad will be visible to all users of the social network.

An additional recommendation to improve your job advertisement and make it stand out is to add your profile to the advertisement. Linking a personal profile with a vacancy builds confidence in the interested parties and this factor can attract more applications.  

Another tip is to join LinkedIn groups related to the field of your company and the vacancy. In them, you can share your job advertisement directly with professionals who work in your target sector.

Why use LinkedIn as a recruiting tool?

The first thing you should know is that by learning how to post a job on LinkedIn, you are part of one of the largest professional social networks in the world. With more than 600 million users and 30 million companies with a presence on LinkedIn , this social network with less than 20 years of history is home to the most robust community of professionals on the planet. 

These data alone explain why recruiters see LinkedIn as a gold mine where they can find the professional profiles they are looking to integrate into their work teams.

However, as in any social network, you can also find everything here: from top-level executives to fake profiles. For this reason, searching for talent online can be a long and complicated process , but LinkedIn offers you the tools to simplify it for you.

One of the most notable advantages of using LinkedIn to hire staff is that this platform makes the recruitment process much easier. 

Sure, you can post job offers on any other specialized website and wait for applicants to start trickling in. 

In these cases, unfortunately, recruiters often end up with an overload of work that makes it difficult to find talent : with dozens, if not hundreds, of requests among which they may be able to find a couple of worthwhile prospects. worth paying attention to. That is, if they have enough time and patience to review each proposal.

LinkedIn makes all this work much more efficient with its recruiting tools : job description templates, advanced searches and filters that allow you to attract the best talent, thanks to its Inbound Recruiting intelligence. All this will prevent you from having a mountain of resumes and spam that only make selection difficult. 

In addition, the job opportunities on LinkedIn have much more reach than other sites. They reach stakeholders through:

  • mobile notifications
  • Emails
  • The “jobs that might interest you” section
  • Other spaces on the platform

This happens through an algorithm that matches the characteristics you’ve pinpointed in the job opening with the profiles that best fit them—even if those people aren’t actively looking for a job.

And, as if that were not enough, you can also carry out active searches for candidates, without having to wait for them to reach you, since their LinkedIn profiles offer you a more complete vision of the interests and professional expectations of a person.

How much does it cost to post a job on LinkedIn?

You can actually post a job offer for free , as we just saw. Under this scheme, LinkedIn estimates that you can receive more than a hundred job applications per month.

However, you can also invest to promote your openings on LinkedIn and the number of applicants can almost double. There is no standard price, you decide how much money to invest so that your ads reach more people selectively.

What you need to do is set a daily budget or the total amount you want to spend. LinkedIn will promote the vacancies without charging you more than what you have established, since it operates with the PPC (pay per click) model.

Choose a payment method and that’s it – start recruiting with LinkedIn!

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Products to boost job postings on LinkedIn

Like many other digital platforms, LinkedIn also has premium memberships that offer greater benefits and features for both professionals who are looking for work and recruiters.

In addition, this social network is constantly innovating and updating its products and tools, so it is advisable to be aware of the new LinkedIn features.

Some of the products that may interest you to improve your job vacancies are:

Career Pages

In addition to the free Company Pages, which we have already mentioned, LinkedIn offers this paid tool with optimized features to promote your company brand, strengthen your corporate identity and attract potential applicants for your job ads.

In this way, you will not only be able to publish a vacancy on LinkedIn very effectively, but also generate a company profile that is solid for your strategy.

LinkedIn Recruiter

With this special recruitment service you can find the most qualified candidates faster. By paying for this premium product, you have the ability to:

  • Send up to 150 In-Mail messages per month
  • Receive smart suggestions
  • Use more than twenty filters to make your search more specific among other advantages.
  • Contact potential spaces for your ads on other sites.
  • Share the story of your company and make it more attractive.
  • Promote your vacancies from your website or company profile.
  • Have a new application for mobile devices.

According to Bizneo , another of the great advantages of using LinkedIn as a recruitment platform is that it is compatible with other human resources software. Thanks to these possible alliances, your intelligence when it comes to finding the ideal candidate will be easier and more effective.

Likewise, LinkedIn helps you with the management of collaborators who are already active in your business. Such is the case of LinkedIn Learning, its own learning platform. Do you want to start doing it? Download our labor report template totally free and evaluate the performance of your employees.

As you have seen, posting a job on LinkedIn is simple and practical, and it can give you better results and more efficiently than other more traditional recruitment methods.

Taking into account that you can manage your ad, make changes to it and follow up with candidates for the position, today LinkedIn is one of the best options for both job seekers and companies that offer it .

We hope that this guide to posting a vacancy on the largest platform for professionals in the world has been useful to you and that you will find the candidate you have been looking for so long very soon. If you want to continue learning, we recommend our business courses in which you can learn new skills to enhance your brand.

Don’t forget to link your LinkedIn job opening to your company for best results!

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